Monday, April 12, 2010

Buen Provecho

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About a month ago I bought a Colombian soup cookbook. It's awesome. It has great pictures, and shows the different ingredients which is really helpful considering it is all in Spanish! Last week Elizabeth, Yoyi and I decided to try it out. Our first soup? Ajiaco. It was one of the first Colombian foods we tried, and it's really good! It's mostly potatoes- as in 3 different kinds of potatoes, 5 lbs altogether! Also, chicken and corn are important ingredients. Our amazing school cooks make it pretty regularly. It seemed appriate to make Ajiaco first.

La Receta:

3 libras de pechugas de pollo
16 tazas de agua
1 libra de papas criollas, peladas y cortadas en rodajas
2 libras de papas pastusas, peladas y cortadas en rodajas
1 1/2 libras de papas sabaneras, peladas y cortadas en rodajas
3 tallos de cebolla larga
1 rama de cilantro
4 dientes de ajo triturados
4 mazorcas tiernas partidas en trozos y cocidas
1 ramo de guascas
sal y pimienta al gusto
My new cookbook.

The ingredients.

Yoyi looking through the cookbook.

It was nice to have a Colombian around to help us out. Even though Elizabeth and I probably could have figured things out, one thing we both missed was the green onion. We bought regular onions and wondered how to measure 3 tallos. Three stems of green onion made much more sense!

One of the many potatoes.

Ready to go in.

45 minutes later we were ready to eat. Ajiaco is topped with capers and suero (Colombian sour cream) and served with rice and avacado.

Buen Provecho!


  1. As a non-Spanish speaker, I find it amusing that you posted your lovely recipe in Spanish. I could (could!) use babelfish online, but I'm afraid of what it might tell me to cook. I could end up with a ketchup dance v-cow soup ... you know? ;)

  2. haha, yes- good point! I don't think you can get the right kind of potatoes, but I'll probably try it anyways.
    In English this time!
    3 lbs chicken breast
    16 cups of water
    1 lb of criollas potatoes
    2 lbs of paramunas or pastusas potatoes
    1 1/2 lbs of sabaneras potatoes
    3 stems of green onion
    1 branch of cilantro
    4 cloves of garlic
    4 ears of corn
    1 branch of guascas (it's an herb- but I have no idea what it actually is!)
